on demand course







This isn’t a Course just for watching, it is a learning path which allows everyone to achieve what they want using the formula.

on demand course

R = R

A Formula for life.

This isn’t a Course just for watching, it is a learning path which allows everyone to achieve what they want using the formula.

Learn more about the Course

For whom is this course?

This course is for all people who want to achieve results: individuals, entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, teachers, students, athletes, artists, it deals with a wide range of possibilities for everyone who wants to accomplish something.

What is the formula about?

The quality of our relationships is directly proportional to the results we can achieve through them. No result exists without people who declare it and want to produce it. The results are intimately linked to people and their capacity to build relationships: with themselves, with others, with learning, with projects or initiatives. This formula doesn’t work like a wishing well, it contemplates concrete methods and precise ways of measuring where are you and how are you moving towards the way to achieving your goals. Being able to measure makes the process much easier and visible and allows you to correct in case of derailing. It includes all indicators of results and relationship and the way to articulate the formula and adapt it to particular situations. This formula is a simple methodology which makes taking action steps towards your goals a simple process if you put it into practice. Incorporating this way of thinking guarantees the possibility of achieving your goals, the formula puts you on track and gives you focus, shows derails, and aspects to take into account to achieve anything you want.

Content hours:

5 distributed into 17 chapters

On demand.

On demand. On our learning platform.


6 months Access


You will get a completion certificate as you finish the series

What are you going to learn with the course

Chapter 1: Results, Evidence, Commitment.

What do you want to achieve? Learn how to define your goals in the clearest way possible, providing evidence to know that you got it.

Chapter 2: Let’s go on a trip.

Everything can be measured. Follow the step-by-step to launch the journey towards your goals.

Chapter 3: Derailers.

Detect the detours that push you away from your goals and also the ways to get back on track.

Chapter 4: Sexy Result.

What is it? What impact does it have? What are its characteristics?

Bonus Track: Results check list.

Chapter 5: Introduction to the R of Relationship. Time.

Relationship to the past, the present, and the future. Choose the best distribution of time for your goals.

Chapter 6: Learning and Mistake management.

Learning is like a curve. Find out in which place of the curve you are, define your standards, be nice to yourself, and enjoy the process.

Chapter 7: Relationship Map.

A practical tool, to give visibility to the quality of your relationships and understanding the impact that they have in your results.

Chapter 8: Trust.

Trust is the foundation for creating relationships and coordinating actions. It can also be measured. In this chapter I will show you how.

Chapter 9: The Hero’s Journey.

Find out in which stage are you in your journey, what resources you have and which one you need in order to move forward.

Chapter 10: Listening.

Listening is the same or more important than speaking in our relationships. Get to know the attributes of listening and how to put them into practice. I will also tell you how to tune in your listening and the differences between listening and hearing.

Chapter 11: Facts and Interpretations.

Distinguishing between facts and interpretations it’s useful for us to be more powerful in designing who we are and the way towards our goals and remembering that we always have a choice.

Chapter 12: Two Kinds Of Language.

When we speak we are always in one of these two worlds: Creating realities and making things happen or describing reality as spectators. Decide which is the best proportion to achieve your goals.

Chapter 13: Expectations Vs. Reality.

Get to know how expectations work and the effect they produce. While recognizing them you will be able to recover the relationship with what you want in your reality transforming them into shared conversations.

Chapter 14: Relationship With Yourself.

This is the most important relationship of all. Follow me to find resources and ways of measuring that make it even better.

Chapter 15: Boundaries.

Learning to establish our own boundaries is also a learning process. I will propose some alternatives to make it in the most effective way to use them with others and with yourself.

Chapter 16: Moods.

Moods have a great importance on the art of relationship. In this chapter I will tell you how to recognize them and intervene them

Chapter 17: Put The Formula Into Action.

I’ll show you in a practical example how to use the formula so you can see how it works and do the same with the result you want to achieve.

Meet the Host

Laura Bicondoa - MCC

Laura Bicondoa - MCC

Laura Bicondoa: Laura is a doctor and a coach. She has worked form more than 25 years with all kind of clients to help them achieve their goals. For this purpose she has written two books, created games, designed courses and now shares the formula that sets the foundation of all her work and experience. This series comes along with a book soon to be published where she guides the user through the use and practice of the formula. The “sexy” result that works as a compass is to make this world a better place to live in. This would be possible through persons that feel powerful, confident, generous, satisfied and aligned with their life purpose and are willing to share it with others.

Start now!

If you apply this formula, you will achieve whatever you want. The path towards your goals is up to you.

Content hours:

5 distributed into 17 chapters

On demand.

On our learning platform.


On demand.


You will get a completion certificate as you finish the series

Cost: 240 dollars